To work with the storage battery it is necessary in goggles. It is impossible to suppose hits of drops of acid and the particles containing connections of lead, in eyes, on a skin or on clothes.
The electrolit is very aggressive. Use protective gloves and points. Do not incline the battery — from ventilating apertures the electrolit can pour out. At electrolit hit in eyes immediately wash out eyes pure water within several minutes. After that necessarily address to the doctor. At electrolit hit on a skin or on clothes immediately neutralise acid alkaline soap and wash out a considerable quantity at its finest.
The storage battery under normal conditions car operation practically does not demand service. At an air heat it is recommended to check from time to time electrolit level in the battery if a design of the battery it allows. Check electrolit level also at battery gymnastics. It should be always between labels MIN and a MOVE, put on the longitudinal parties of the battery.
At decrease in level of electrolit add in corresponding banks the distilled water to a mark the MOVE. It should be made before electrolit level will fall below mark MIN.
Do not pour water above necessary level as the electrolit will follow through ventilating apertures. It can lead to damage of a paint and varnish covering and to body corrosion.
After доливки waters densely close storage banks stoppers.