Check electrolit density in the storage battery every 3 month.
Check is made ареометром. At definition of density of electrolit consider its temperature. At electrolit temperature more low 15 С on everyone 10 С below this temperature from the measured density subtract value of 0,007 g/sm3; from above 15 C — add 0,007/sm3
After definition of density of electrolit in storage batteries everyone bank establish its degree
разряженности on
tab. 15.3.
Electrolit density measure in everyone bank. The difference in density of 0,04 g/sm3 or is more between two any banks specifies in loss of electrolit or сульфатацию plates.
If the electrolit density between two any banks differs more than on 0,04 g/sm3, it is necessary to replace the storage battery. If below demanded, but identical in all banks, the battery it is necessary to charge density of electrolit.
Working capacity of the unattended storage battery check only the voltmeter. Degree заряженности batteries with the built in indicator is defined on colour of the indicator. Green colour of the indicator corresponds to full gymnastics, black — specifies in necessity of gymnastics, dark blue — testifies to low level of electrolit in the battery.