Тойота РАВ4-Toyota RAV4
1. Car operation
2. Maintenance service
3. Engines
4. Cooling and air-conditioning systems
5. Fuel system and system of release of the fulfilled gases
6. Ignition system
7. The monitoring system and decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled gases
8. Coupling
9. A transmission
10. A kardannyj shaft and shaft of a drive of driving wheels
11. Brake system
12. A suspension bracket
13. A steering and a running gear
14. A body
15. An electric equipment
   The general data
   Technical characteristics
   Electric chains
   Check of the storage battery
      Check of level of electrolit
      Check of density of electrolit
      Replacement of the storage battery
   Replacement of wires of the storage battery
   Safety locks and the relay
   Check and replacement of the relay of indexes of turn and the emergency light alarm system
   Check of system of gymnastics
   The generator
   System of start-up of the engine
   Replacement combined подрулевых switches
   Replacement of the lock and the cylinder of the lock of ignition
   Removal and installation of switches of the panel of devices
   Removal and installation of a combination of devices
   Check and replacement of the engine of a screen wiper
   Radio receiver and dynamics
   Aerial replacement
   Check and repair of a heater of back glass
   Replacement of lamps in headlights
   Adjustment of light of headlights
   Headlight replacement
   Sound signal
   Replacement of lamps накаливания
   Check of a drive of external rear-view mirrors
   Check of system of the cruise-control
   Check стеклоподъемников with an electric drive
   Check of system of the central blocking of locks
   Drive podemno-sdvizhnoj roof panels
   Safety pillows
Electric equipment schemes

Toyota RAV4>> Electric equipment>> Check of the storage battery>> Check of density of electrolit
Check electrolit density in the storage battery every 3 month.
Check is made ареометром. At definition of density of electrolit consider its temperature. At electrolit temperature more low 15 С on everyone 10 С below this temperature from the measured density subtract value of 0,007 g/sm3; from above 15 C — add 0,007/sm3
After definition of density of electrolit in storage batteries everyone bank establish its degree разряженности on tab. 15.3.
Electrolit density measure in everyone bank. The difference in density of 0,04 g/sm3 or is more between two any banks specifies in loss of electrolit or сульфатацию plates.
If the electrolit density between two any banks differs more than on 0,04 g/sm3, it is necessary to replace the storage battery. If below demanded, but identical in all banks, the battery it is necessary to charge density of electrolit.
Working capacity of the unattended storage battery check only the voltmeter. Degree заряженности batteries with the built in indicator is defined on colour of the indicator. Green colour of the indicator corresponds to full gymnastics, black — specifies in necessity of gymnastics, dark blue — testifies to low level of electrolit in the battery.