The storage battery under normal conditions car operation practically does not demand service. At an air heat it is recommended to check from time to time electrolit level in the battery.
In the opaque served battery electrolit level measure by means of a hollow glass tubule, having closed its one end a finger. In taken "test" the height of a column of a liquid in a tube will correspond to height of excess of level of electrolit from an upper edge of plates.
Necessarily check electrolit level at battery gymnastics. It should be always between labels MIN and "the MOVE", put on the longitudinal parties of the battery.
At decrease in level of electrolit add in corresponding banks the distilled water to a mark "MOVE". It should be made before electrolit level will fall below a mark MIN.
Do not pour electrolits above necessary level as it will follow through a ventilating aperture. It can lead to damage of a paint and varnish covering and to body corrosion.
After доливки electrolits densely close corresponding storage banks stoppers.