Removal make in a following order:
– Switch off ignition and disconnect a wire of "weight" from the storage battery;
– Disconnect electric sockets from ignition coils, turn out nuts of fastening of a plait of wires to a cover of a head of the block of cylinders and take wires aside. Remove coils of ignition from each spark plug;
– Disconnect a ventilation hose картера from a cover of a head of the block of cylinders;
Fig. 3.53. An arrangement of bolts of fastening of a cover of a head of the block of cylinders
– Turn out bolts (
fig. 3.53) and uncover also a lining a head of the block of cylinders. If it sits densely, bring down it
киянкой or insert a knife between a head of the block of cylinders and a cover and raise it. At use of a knife do not damage
привалочные a surface of a head of the block of cylinders and a cover, otherwise in a damage place engine oil will proceed.
Installation make in a following order:
– Remove linings and clear привалочные surfaces of a head of the block of cylinders and a cover;
– Establish new rubber linings on perimetre of a cover and round apertures for spark plugs and press them into corresponding grooves;
– Be convinced that before cover installation привалочные surfaces of a forward cover of a chain and a head of the block of cylinders pure and dry. If on surfaces there are engine oil traces after cover installation in these parts there can be oil leaks;
– Put a layer of hermetic RTV on places of a joint of a forward cover of a chain and a head of the block of cylinders and establish a cover of a head of the block of cylinders;
– Screw and tighten for some passes bolts of fastening of a cover.
The further installation of a cover is spent to sequences, return to removal.
Start up the engine and check up absence of leaks of oil from under a cover of a head of the block of cylinders.