Тойота РАВ4-Toyota RAV4
1. Car operation
2. Maintenance service
3. Engines
4. Cooling and air-conditioning systems
5. Fuel system and system of release of the fulfilled gases
6. Ignition system
7. The monitoring system and decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled gases
8. Coupling
9. A transmission
10. A kardannyj shaft and shaft of a drive of driving wheels
11. Brake system
12. A suspension bracket
13. A steering and a running gear
   The general data
   Technical characteristics
   Removal and installation of a steering wheel from a safety pillow
   Removal and installation of a steering column
   Removal and installation of tips of steering draughts
   Replacement of covers of the steering mechanism
   Removal and installation of the steering mechanism
   Removal and installation of the pump of the amplifier of a steering
   Prorolling of hydraulic system of the amplifier of a steering
   Replacement of bolts of fastening of a wheel
   Wheels and tyres
14. A body
15. An electric equipment
Electric equipment schemes

Toyota RAV4>> Steering and running gear>> Removal and installation of the steering mechanism
Cars are equipped by safety systems (SRS), including pillows of safety and натяжители seat belts. Before work about gauges of blow, the panel of devices and a steering column disconnect at first negative, and then positive the plug from the storage battery and wait 2 minutes It will exclude unapproved disclosing of pillows of safety and operation натяжителей seat belts which can put physical injuries.

Removal of the steering mechanism make as follows:
Switch off ignition and disconnect a wire of "weight" from the storage battery.
Remove a steering wheel, then turn a key in the ignition lock in position LOCK to block a steering shaft from rotation, otherwise the spiral wire of a pillow of safety can be damaged.
Tighten a lay brake and block back wheels an emphasis.
Loosen the nuts of fastening of a forward wheel. Lift a forward part of the car and establish on support. Remove forward wheels.
Remove the bottom protection of a motor compartment.

Fig. 13.13. Places of connection of hoses of the amplifier of a steering to the steering mechanism

Establish under a motor compartment the reception pallet for liquid gathering. Disconnect from the steering mechanism hoses of the amplifier of a steering and close their plastic stoppers for prevention excessive leakage liquids and hits in system of pollution (fig. 13.13).

Fig. 13.14. Places of drawing of labels (1) on the hinge of an intermediate shaft and an entrance shaft of the steering mechanism and an arrangement of a coupling bolt (2)

Uncover the bottom universal hinge, note mutual position of the hinge of an intermediate shaft and an entrance shaft of the steering mechanism and turn out the bottom coupling bolt (fig. 13.14).
Remove tips of steering draughts from rotary fists.
The further removal for models till 2001 of release make as follows:

Fig. 13.10. An arrangement of the nut fixed by a pin, fastenings of a pin of the spherical hinge of a tip of steering bent for to a rotary fist

– Turn out bolts and nuts of fastening of spherical hinges to the bottom levers of a forward suspension bracket (see

Fig. 13.11. Use of a stripper for expression of a pin of the spherical hinge of a tip of steering draught from a rotary fist

– Mount separate spherical hinges from the bottom levers of a forward suspension bracket;
– Remove forward section of system of release of the fulfilled gases;

Fig. 13.15. An arrangement of the left bolts of fastening of a cross-section beam on models till 2001

– A jack support a cross-section beam of a forward suspension bracket, turn out bolts of fastening and lower it together with the bottom levers, the steering mechanism and the stabilizer of cross-section stability (fig. 13.15);
– At lowering of a cross-section beam the shaft of the steering mechanism should leave a nest of the universal hinge of an intermediate shaft.
The further removal for models since 2001 make as follows:

Fig. 13.16. An arrangement of the left bolts of fastening of the steering mechanism on models since 2001

– Turn out bolts of fastening of the steering mechanism (fig. 13.16);
– Separate an intermediate shaft from an entrance shaft of the steering mechanism, then remove the steering mechanism.
Installation of the steering mechanism spend to sequences, return to removal, taking into account the following:
At connection of an entrance shaft of the steering mechanism with the universal hinge of an intermediate shaft combine the labels put before removal.
Be convinced that forward wheels are established for movement directly, then centre a spiral wire of a pillow of safety.
Turn the plug of a spiral wire counter-clockwise against the stop, thus do not make the big effort as the wire can be broken off.
Turn the plug of a spiral wire clockwise on 2,5 turns and combine adjusting labels.
Establish a steering wheel and a safety pillow.
Fill in a liquid in a tank of the amplifier of a steering and remove air from hydraulic system.