Тойота РАВ4-Toyota RAV4
1. Car operation
2. Maintenance service
3. Engines
4. Cooling and air-conditioning systems
5. Fuel system and system of release of the fulfilled gases
6. Ignition system
7. The monitoring system and decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled gases
8. Coupling
9. A transmission
10. A kardannyj shaft and shaft of a drive of driving wheels
11. Brake system
12. A suspension bracket
13. A steering and a running gear
   The general data
   Technical characteristics
   Removal and installation of a steering wheel from a safety pillow
   Removal and installation of a steering column
   Removal and installation of tips of steering draughts
   Replacement of covers of the steering mechanism
   Removal and installation of the steering mechanism
   Removal and installation of the pump of the amplifier of a steering
   Prorolling of hydraulic system of the amplifier of a steering
   Replacement of bolts of fastening of a wheel
   Wheels and tyres
14. A body
15. An electric equipment
Electric equipment schemes

Toyota RAV4>> Steering and running gear>> Removal and installation of a steering wheel from a safety pillow
Cars are equipped by safety systems (SRS), including pillows of safety and натяжители seat belts. Before work about gauges of blow, the panel of devices and a steering column disconnect at first negative, and then positive the plug from the storage battery and wait 2 minutes It will exclude unapproved disclosing of pillows of safety and operation натяжителей seat belts which can put physical injuries.

Steering wheel removal make as follows:
Switch off ignition, disconnect a wire of "weight" from the storage battery and wait for 2 mines before carrying out of the further work.
Establish wheels for movement directly.
On models 1996 and 1997 release clamps on each side and remove the central overlay from a steering wheel.

Fig. 13.1. Easing of the screw of fastening of a pillow of safety to a steering wheel

On models since 1998 loosen the screws, крепящие a safety pillow to a steering wheel and located on each side from the back party of a steering wheel (fig. 13.1).
Weaken each screw until the ledge on the screw does not leave a casing.

Fig. 13.2. A detachment of an electric socket of a pillow of safety on models since 1998

Incline back a safety pillow (fig. 13.2), disconnect an electric socket and remove a safety pillow.
Arrange a pillow in a safe place a bag upwards.

Fig. 13.3. An arrangement of electric sockets of a sound signal and the cruise-control switch

Disconnect an electric socket of a sound signal and, at presence, from the cruise-control switch (fig. 13.3).
Turn out a nut of fastening of a steering wheel.
Chalk, marker or paint put combination labels on a steering wheel and an end face of a steering shaft. Labels are necessary for repeated installation of a steering wheel in former position.

Fig. 13.4. Use of a stripper for steering wheel removal

Stripper remove a steering wheel from a shaft (fig. 13.4).

Do not knock on a shaft or a steering wheel at steering wheel removal. Also do not turn a steering shaft at the removed steering wheel, otherwise the spiral wire of a pillow of safety will be расцентрирован and can be broken at steering wheel installation.

Fig. 13.5. An arrangement of clips (1) fastenings of a spiral wire of a pillow of safety on models since 2001

If it is necessary to remove a spiral wire of a pillow of safety disconnect an electric socket, then turn out 4 screws (on models till 2001) or release 3 clips (on models since 2001) and separate it from the combined switch (fig. 13.5).
Steering wheel installation make as follows:
Be convinced that forward wheels are established for movement directly, then centre a spiral wire of a pillow of safety.

Fig. 13.6. Combination of labels (1) at a centering of a spiral wire of a pillow of safety

Turn the plug of a spiral wire counter-clockwise against the stop, thus do not make the big effort as the wire can be broken off. Turn the plug of a spiral wire clockwise on 2,5 turns and combine the labels shown on fig. 13.6.
Establish a steering wheel, having combined the labels put before removal. Fix a steering wheel a nut, having tightened its moment resulted in specifications.
Connect an electric socket of a sound signal and, at presence, the cruise-control switch (fig. 13.3 see).
Connect an electric socket of a pillow of safety. Check up that the electric socket of a pillow of safety is correctly placed also wires are placed freely, then establish a safety pillow on a steering wheel and fix its screws.
Connect "a weight" wire to the storage battery.