Тойота РАВ4-Toyota RAV4
1. Car operation
2. Maintenance service
3. Engines
4. Cooling and air-conditioning systems
5. Fuel system and system of release of the fulfilled gases
   The general data
   Technical characteristics of system of injection of fuel
   Sbrasyvanie pressure in fuel system
   The general check of fuel system
   The fuel pump
   Regulator of pressure of fuel
   The gauge of level of fuel
   Fuel tank
   The case of the air filter
   Accelerator cable
   Electronic system of injection of fuel
   Демпфер fuel pulsations on models since 2001
   Distributive fuel highway and atomizers
   System of release of the fulfilled gases
      Security measures at operation of cars with каталитическим neutralizer
6. Ignition system
7. The monitoring system and decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled gases
8. Coupling
9. A transmission
10. A kardannyj shaft and shaft of a drive of driving wheels
11. Brake system
12. A suspension bracket
13. A steering and a running gear
14. A body
15. An electric equipment
Electric equipment schemes

Toyota RAV4>> Fuel system and system of release of the fulfilled gases>> System of release of the fulfilled gases

Survey and repair of components of system of release of the fulfilled gases spend only after their full cooling.
The system of release of the fulfilled gases provides their tap in atmosphere, reduction of concentration of polluting substances, decrease in noise of the engine to demanded level at the minimum losses of capacity of the engine. That the system of release of the fulfilled gases could carry out the functions, it should be in good repair. The condition of system of release of the fulfilled gases influences as well capacity of the engine and the fuel expense.
The system of release of the fulfilled gases consists of a final collector, a reception exhaust pipe, catalytic neutralizer and mufflers.
Exhaust pipes provide connections among themselves elements of final system.
Mufflers are intended for smoothing of pulsations in a stream of the fulfilled gases and noise level decrease. Work of mufflers is based on two physical effects — a resonance and a sound absorption. Usually in mufflers the combination of these effects is used.
Resonant mufflers consist of the chambers of various length connected among themselves by pipes. Distinction in the areas of cross-section sections of pipes and chambers, change of a direction of a stream of the fulfilled gases and presence of resonators together with connecting pipes and chambers provides optimum reduction of noise, especially on low frequencies.
The release system fastens to the bottom of the car with use of elastic elements, for reduction of vibration from passage of the fulfilled gases.
On the cold engine check up an exhaust system condition on all its length.
Check up pipes and their connections on leaks, corrosion and damage traces. If components of system of release were treated to corrosion action, disconnect them from system of release and replace new. If separation of pipes of system of release is complicated, by means of the autogenous welding device warm up a junction of pipes and separate them.
Check up that all arms and elements of a suspension bracket of an exhaust system in a good condition and are in regular intervals tense.
Moving to the parties a car exhaust system, check up, that it did not concern car bodies. Otherwise replace rubber suspension brackets of an exhaust system.
At repair of system of release of the fulfilled gases necessarily satisfy following conditions:
– At removal of components of system of release begin works with a back part;
– For simplification отворачивания nuts and bolts of connection of components of system of release, preliminary impregnate with their liquid weakening connections;
– At installation it is necessary use new linings, rubber suspension brackets and clips of fastening of system of release;
– Before repeated installation of elements of system clear places of their connection by an emery paper of the hermetic and rust rests;
– For simplification of the subsequent отворачивания grease nuts and bolts, крепящие system of release, high-temperature paste.
After work on system of release of the fulfilled gases, check up that the system is established freely, without pressure and that there is a sufficient backlash from body elements.