Р — lay blocking
Driving wheels are blocked. The selector lever should be established in this position only at a full stop of the car.
In order to avoid uncontrollable скатывания the car after a full stop of the car always include a lay brake. Necessarily in addition put the lever of the selector of an automatic transmission a position Р.
On road with a bias include lay a brake, and then establish the selector lever in a position of lay blocking. Thanks to such operations procedure the blocking mechanism will not be too strongly loaded, and subsequently it is possible to deduce the lever of the selector from this position easily.
R — a backing. Include only at a full stop of the car and at engine work idling. In a position R at the included ignition backing lanterns burn.
N — neutral position (idling position).
D — advance. Transfers are switched automatically from the lowest to the higher and on the contrary, depending on loading on the engine and speeds of movement.
Under certain conditions movements expediently temporarily to use one of resulted below positions.
2 – position of braking by the engine and inclusions of 2nd transfer. It is recommended for overcoming of long liftings and descents. Are automatically switched upwards and downwards 1st or 2nd transfers depending on loading to the engine and speeds of movement, the higher transfers remain blocked to prevent unnecessary switchings on the higher transfers. Thus efficiency of braking by the engine also raises.
The maximum speed of the car should not exceed 108 km/h.
L — position of the strengthened braking by the engine and inclusions of 1st transfer. To choose this position it is recommended at movement on steep slopes and descents. The car moves only on 1st transfer, the higher transfers are blocked to prevent unnecessary switchings on the higher transfers. The greatest possible efficiency of braking is thus reached by the engine.
The maximum speed of the car should not exceed 59 km/h.
It is not recommended to maintain the car in this position of the lever of the selector long time as it leads to a transmission overheat.
At usual operation of the car it is recommended to adhere to following councils for choice operating modes АКП.
Engine start-up. The engine can be started up only at position of the lever of the selector in positions N or Р.
Car movement. For transfer of the lever of the selector from position D in positions Р or R necessarily stop the car, release a pedal of an accelerator and press a brake pedal.
Fig. 1.7. The selector lever: 1 – the blocking button; 2 – function inclusion overdrive
Transfer of the lever of the selector in various positions is possible only after pressing of the button of blocking in the selector handle (
fig. 1.7).
Before transition in position R from positions Р or N press a pedal of a brake and press on the blocking button in the handle of the lever of the selector.
For transfer of the lever of the selector in one of movement positions at the motionless car and the working engine press a brake pedal.
At a choice of positions on the motionless car it is impossible to press an accelerator pedal.
If during movement of the car the selector lever is casually translated in position N, before lever transfer in any other position intended for advance release a pedal of an accelerator and reduce frequency of rotation of a cranked shaft before idling.
On road with a normal covering establish the selector lever in position D, thus transfers are switched automatically from the lowest to more higher and on the contrary, depending on loading on the engine and speeds of movement.
At the working engine when the selector lever is in any of movement positions, keep the car pressing a brake pedal as even idling twisting moment transfer on wheels does not interrupt completely — the car "creeps".
If at the motionless car one of movement positions is chosen, in no event it is impossible to press an accelerator pedal (and to increase giving of fuel by a hand from a motor compartment), differently the car can begin movement even at the included lay brake.
Before to spend any actions with working engine, establish the selector lever in a position Р and to include a lay brake.
Fig. 1.8. An arrangement of the switch of a mode ECT-Power on cars of release till 2001 (position "And" – the button is pressed — a sports mode; position "In" – the button is wrung out — an economic mode)
The control system of an automatic transmission provides various operating modes of a transmission. The button of a choice of a mode of movement is located on the panel of devices (
fig. 1.8).
Depending on traffic conditions of the car the driver chooses the economic mode reducing the expense of fuel, or active which it is conditionally possible to name "sports".
At an economic mode, thanks to early inclusion of the higher transfers and late transition to more lowest transfers, there is a possibility of economy of fuel.
The so-called "sports" program of work of a transmission gets out in that case when management of an accelerator pedal is carried out sharply enough. At a choice of a "sports" mode reserves of capacity of the engine thanks to some delay of switching on the higher transfer are completely used.
The automatic transmission has a mode overdrive which joins the button on the selector lever (see
fig. 1.7). The mode overdrive allows to limit fuel consumption in normal service conditions of the car. Mode switching-off overdrive is carried out by button pressing, thus in a combination of devices the signalling device lights up. This mode allows to improve braking by the engine.