Тойота РАВ4-Toyota RAV4
1. Car operation
   Controls, devices and the equipment
   Motor compartment
   Keys and the ignition lock
      The description of corresponding positions of the ignition key
   Engine start-up
   Mechanical transmission
   Automatic transmission (АКП)
   Recommendations about driving about a cross-country terrain
   Lay brake
   The switch of indexes of turn and light of headlights
   Back antifog lanterns
   The proof-reader of light of headlights
   Screen wipers and стеклоомыватели
   Стеклоомыватели headlights
   Heating of back glass.
   The button of inclusion of heating of external mirrors
   The emergency light alarm system
   Salon illumination
   Прикуриватель and an ashtray
   Nest for connection additional elektro - the equipment
   Heating and ventilation
   Electric стеклоподъемники
   The podemno-sdvizhnaja panel of the hatch of a roof
   Installation of mirrors
   Adjustment of a steering column
   Forward seats
   Back seats
   Seat belts
   Safety pillows
   Lifting of the car by a jack
   Cowl unlocking
   Trailer towage
2. Maintenance service
3. Engines
4. Cooling and air-conditioning systems
5. Fuel system and system of release of the fulfilled gases
6. Ignition system
7. The monitoring system and decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled gases
8. Coupling
9. A transmission
10. A kardannyj shaft and shaft of a drive of driving wheels
11. Brake system
12. A suspension bracket
13. A steering and a running gear
14. A body
15. An electric equipment
Electric equipment schemes

Toyota RAV4>> Car operation>> Keys and the ignition lock

Keys are put to the car: the basic and repair. In addition give out a charm with number of keys and the latent confidential code for anticreeping system. Only on the basis of these numbers it is possible to order spare keys on СТОА Toyota.
The basic key approaches to all locks: to the lock of ignition, a door, a door of a luggage space and a ware box.
Repair keys approach to all locks except for the lock of a door of a luggage space.

Fig. 1.4. Positions of a key in the ignition lock (the detailed description of corresponding positions of a key are resulted more low): 1 – LOCK; 2 – ACC; 3 – ON; 4 – START

Depending on a complete set, the electronic system can block ignition system, fuel system and a starter if the ignition key is not distinguished by it. Such keys have the special electronic device which should be protected from blows and falling, influence of extreme temperatures, ultrasound and electromagnetic fields. Possible positions of the ignition key are resulted on fig. 1.4.

When you leave the car, even for a short while, necessarily take out a key from the ignition lock. It is especially important, when in the car there are children. They can start up the engine or include any electric device, for example стеклоподъемник owing to what traumas and emergency creation are possible.
Take out a key from the ignition lock only after a full stop of the car that steering blocking has not joined.
In order to avoid uncontrollable скатывания the car after a full stop of the car always include a lay brake.