Тойота РАВ4-Toyota RAV4
1. Car operation
2. Maintenance service
3. Engines
4. Cooling and air-conditioning systems
   The general data
   Service and repair of system of cooling
      The thermostat
      The radiator fan
      Radiator and broad tank
      The water pump
      The gauge of the index of temperature of a cooling liquid
      Thermoswitch of the fan of a radiator
      The electric motor of the fan of a heater
      Knot of management of heating and air conditioning systems
      Heater radiator
   Check and service of a central air of air
5. Fuel system and system of release of the fulfilled gases
6. Ignition system
7. The monitoring system and decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled gases
8. Coupling
9. A transmission
10. A kardannyj shaft and shaft of a drive of driving wheels
11. Brake system
12. A suspension bracket
13. A steering and a running gear
14. A body
15. An electric equipment
Electric equipment schemes

Toyota RAV4>> Cooling and air-conditioning systems>> Service and repair of system of cooling>> The gauge of the index of temperature of a cooling liquid
Replacement of the gauge of the index of temperature of a cooling liquid make on the cold engine.
Do not suppose hit of a cooling liquid on clothes and a paint and varnish covering of a body. Otherwise wash out a surface a water considerable quantity.
Collect and utilise the merged cooling liquid.

Gauge replacement by cars of release till 2001
Merge cooling liquid.

Fig. 4.20. An arrangement of an electric socket of the gauge of temperature of a cooling liquid

Disconnect an electric socket from the gauge of the index of temperature of a cooling liquid (fig. 4.20).
Wrench turn out the gauge of the index of temperature of a cooling liquid.
Screw the new gauge. Do not put hermetic on a gauge carving as it can break electric contact of the gauge to "weight" of the car.
Connect an electric socket to the gauge.
Fill in cooling liquid.
Get the engine and be convinced of absence of leaks.
Gauge replacement by cars of release since 2001
On cars of release since 2001 the gauge of the index of temperature of a cooling liquid is an integral part of the gauge of temperature of the cooling liquid, used by a control system of the engine, and cannot separately be replaced.