Тойота РАВ4-Toyota RAV4
1. Car operation
2. Maintenance service
3. Engines
4. Cooling and air-conditioning systems
5. Fuel system and system of release of the fulfilled gases
6. Ignition system
7. The monitoring system and decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled gases
8. Coupling
9. A transmission
10. A kardannyj shaft and shaft of a drive of driving wheels
11. Brake system
12. A suspension bracket
   The general data
   Rack of a forward suspension bracket
   Dismantling and assemblage of an amortisation rack
   The forward stabilizer of cross-section stability
   The bottom lever of a forward suspension bracket
   Rotary fist and nave of a forward wheel
   The back stabilizer of cross-section stability
   The shock-absorber of a back suspension bracket
   Levers of a back suspension bracket
   Spring of a back suspension bracket
   Nave and the bearing of a back wheel
13. A steering and a running gear
14. A body
15. An electric equipment
Electric equipment schemes

Toyota RAV4>> Suspension bracket>> Rotary fist and nave of a forward wheel>> Installation
If the spherical hinge acted in film from a rotary fist, establish it and fix a nut, having tightened its moment specified in specifications, and fix pinом.
Moving a rotary fist in a direction to the car, establish a shaft of a drive of a wheel in a nave of a forward wheel.
Connect the bottom part of a rack to a rotary fist, insert two bolts and screw on them nuts, without tightening them it is definitive.
Establish the bottom lever on the spherical hinge and fix its bolt and nuts, without tightening them it is definitive.
Fix steering draught on a rotary fist.
Having combined earlier put labels, tighten nuts of fastening of the bottom part of a rack to a rotary fist and a bolt and nuts of fastening of the spherical hinge to the bottom lever.
Establish a brake disk and a support.
Screw a nut of fastening of a shaft of a drive of a wheel to a nave. On models since 2001 use a new nut. Preliminary tighten a nut.
Establish a wheel and fix its nuts. Lower the car.
On the car standing on wheels, definitively tighten a nut of fastening of a shaft to a nave the moment 216 Nm. On models till 2001 screw a counternut and pinом fix it from отворачивания. On models since 2001 a hammer and a punch hammer in a nut fillet into a power shaft groove.
Check up and if necessary adjust corners of installation of forward wheels.